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Daniel Gitterman

Senior Fellow

Daniel Gitterman is Duncan MacRae ’09 and Rebecca Kyle MacRae Professor of Public Policy at UNC-Chapel Hill. He also serves as Director of the Honors Seminar in Public Policy and Global Affairs (Washington, DC) and Director of the MPP Program. His first book, Boosting Paychecks: The Politics of Supporting America’s Working Poor, published by Brookings Institution Press, examines the role of federal income tax and minimum wage in supporting low income working families in the United States. Gitterman’s most recent book is The Intersector: How the Public, Nonprofit, and Private Sectors Can Address America’s Challenges, also published by Brookings Institution Press is an edited volume exploring how cross-sector collaboration can solve seemingly intractable societal problems.

Most recently, he has published on NIH investments in pediatric research and lack of attention to new forms of childhood adversity. This include: The NIH childhood adversity portfolio: unmet needs, emerging challenges; The National Institute of Health and Responding to New Forms of Childhood Adversity; Making the case for pediatric research: a life-cycle approach.

As a Senior Fellow at MDC, he is leading a new project on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) in the South: From Evidence to Action.