Max Altman
SESSION(S): Developing Policies to Support a Southern Educational Equity Agenda
As the Director of Research and Policy for the Southern Education Foundation, Max Altman designs and implements SEF’s research agenda and manages the development of its research-informed policy positions and advocacy initiatives. He previously served as a managing researcher and Task 5 (Training, Coaching, and Technical Support) lead for the Pacific Regional Educational Laboratory at McREL International in Honolulu. In this role, he designed and facilitated ongoing technical support projects to meet the needs of educational leaders and key stakeholders in Pacific jurisdictions, including Hawaiʻi, the U.S. territories of American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands, and the independent nations of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, and Palau. His work emphasized the implementation of culturally responsive policies that support local student success through alignment among college, K-12, and workforce systems.
Max has also worked as a professional developer and curriculum writer. His research interests lie in the creation of K-12 educational policy that reflects and supports social justice initiatives, and in how the contexts in which teachers and students operate shape their own conceptions of equity and social justice. A former high school math teacher, Max also taught teacher education and mathematics courses at the University of Michigan.